domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

Hey Guys! welcome back to the blog; this is going to be the last task of the semester so i will put it pretty easy, just like the past tasks i'll give you 10 Awesome Activities to Improve the Listening skill, and you will apply it in the classroom just like the other ones; click here for more info and remember choose wisely the activity you'll do.
Hi guys! so the next task is about the language skill listening, this time you will do an activity about listening, i'll just going to give you 8 Activities to Improve Listening Skills and you will choose the one you´ll use just click here. good luck! 

Hello guys! how you been doing, I hope you are doing well.
The next task is about the language skill: Reading, you should work this task as a collaborative work (team work) what you are going to is that you are going to choose a reading and do a Before reading activity, then a While reading activity and an After reading activity.

for more info click here.

sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017

Hi guys! we’ll use this blog to help you improve your language skills.

So the first task of the semester will be that you will choose 1 from the 9 Fun Exercises to Improve Your English Writing Skills that I’ll give you, just click here and it will take you to the page where you’ll need to choose the exercise that you want.

Welcome to I.T.F.S.

Hi there, Welcome to this blog to all those Students who wants to improve their Languages skills, I hope that the content of this blog helps you as much it helped me to improve my languages skills.

This blog will be about how "YOU" the student can improve the 4 skills. Also within this blog i will give you some tools that will be useful in the way to improve the 4 skills.